About Stride
Our Foundation was established in 2010 with a mission of reducing the inequalities facing children and young people in Greater Manchester. We empower individuals aged 7 – 25 years growing up in areas of deprivation to fulfil their potential by engaging them in bespoke projects across sport, mentoring and education.
Our team is made up of passionate individuals with extensive experience. We have qualified teachers, youth workers, counsellors and coaches spanning several sports. We succeed in building trusted relationships, providing a wide range of opportunities in a sage and positive environment.
The power of sport
We believe in the transformative power of sport to affect positive change. It is at the heart of everything we do.
Our team of skilled coaches and ex-professional athletes with vast experience in delivering high quality multi sport activity.

Through Sport, We're Determined To:
- Change Lives -We provide engaging and exciting activities that help young people achieve their potential. Through our programmes young people will make friends, join in and learn respect.
- Identify Talent – We provide quality coaching, mentoring and support networks necessary to fulfill their sporting potential.
- Promote Healthy Lifestyles – A vital aspect of Stride’s work is developing positive self-esteem and social integration leading to improved health and wellbeing.
Stride is in the unique position of having experienced coaches as part of the coaching team, and many have an impressive background of coaching athletes to success in major Championships.
Providing Opportunity, Guidance & Positive Role Models
We blend academic, classroom-based sessions with opportunities to engage students practically with physical tasks and activities along with offside learning to develop understanding of where skills fit in life outside of school.

Primary Empowered Minds
Written by two qualified teachers with a combined experience of 30 years; our key aims are to promote individuality, highlight life and leadership skills and develop each student into positive members of their school and community.
The majority of children identified for this programme have educational health care plans (EHCP) and struggle to engage in the classroom. Young people with SEND (special educational needs) are five times more likely to enter the criminal justice system.
We target small groups of children most in need of intervention whether that be social, emotional or behavioural. We are aligned to the national curriculum and focus on the following key development areas:
Clearing The Way To A Successful Career
Stride recognise there are deep-rooted social problems facing young people today. We and our partners have a strong track record of providing pathways into employment and diversionary programmes, that deliver long lasting outcomes for the most disengaged young people across Manchester.
Manchester is ranked England’s fourth most deprived Local Authority and second most deprived in terms of income deprivation. Stride works with some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in the region. This disadvantage has a long lasting effect on young people by impacting on their health, their education and employment, and their interaction with the justice system.